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FYI: The authors of these articles are not 'professional' writers. They have just obeyed the call of Lord to "write down the edict". There may be new editions of these articles as they are edited or parts are rewritten or added to.

Note:  There are many, many, on-site articles not mentioned here.
We will be completely re-doing our articles page as soon as we can.

What is the IC? by Teri Lee Earl (Oct. 2006 - 35K) (PDF - 77K)

The Latter Rain Scripture by Teri Lee Earl (Sept. 2004 - 123 K)

Walking Out Of The Desert by Teri Lee Earl (rewritten/greatly expanded in April, 2003)

Apathy, The Final Deathblow  Feb., 2002, by Teri Lee Earl
Subtitles are:
Discouragement And Apathy// The Sin Of Apathy// Deceitful Wealth And Apathy//
National Apathy// Crises And Apathy//Asleep In The Light//Wake Up And Complete The Deeds//
Do The First Works//More On Believing And Deeds//Apathy And Cruelty//
Two Common Causes Of Apathy: Fear And Selfishness//
Believe, Submit To The Cross, Become Alive, And Achieve Purpose// Jesus Will Build His Church//
Repentence, Zeal, And The Refining Fire//Arise And Shine

Living Stones by Teri Lee Earl
The is a 150k 20 part comprehensive revelatory report with scripture from 1997. It was re-edited and improved in 2002 after I got both the extra time and a printer, though it was still kept true to the original. It is refeatured here again due to its improvements.

Some of our older articles:

Fourth Dimensional Forgiveness by Teri Lee Earl
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  A New Scriptural Investigation into the Timing of the Rapture by Rockey Jackson
The controversy over the 'Rapture' has driven quite a few to be tired of the subject.  However, unlike any other teaching I have ever encountered, there are no scriptures cut out or not mentioned that would weigh in to the subject. The author clearly invites the reader to explore the Bible and convince themselves by Scripture, with a style that leaves dogmatism behind. I cannot say enough about how excellent a tool this would be for your own individual study or group studies, whether you would agree with all things in it or not.

Important Note:
We are aware that there is no such word as 'rapture' in the Bible, and Rockey Jackson did address this fact near the beginning of his article 

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