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The Middle East

This section is roughly divided into various areas of interest.  Since many of the facts in these articles are little-known or little appreciated by many Americans, no apologies will be made for the content of the websites or articles linked to or written. 

  Israel and 'Palestine' history

A Brief History of the Holy Land
followed by another, brief, fact-based, account on the
World-Wide Anti-Semitism Prior to the Creation of the State of Israel
both written by Teri Lee Earl 
These condensed, extensive facts are taken from unbiased historical sources that are duly credited 

See also:  some very good overviews of the current history of Israel (With Graphics)

The presentations were created on a voluntary basis by Udi and Mal Ohana. Their statement is that their goal "is to provide quickly-viewed educational tools to help our friends, especially those living overseas, to better understand the roots of this conflict," and that they are "not sponsored by any political or commercial bodies."


Islam, 'Jihad', Christianity, Jewish

Arab journalist attacks radical Islam
By Magdi Abdelhadi 
BBC World Service Arab affairs analyst 

World War IV: How It  Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win
by  Norman Podhoretz
September, 2004

Covers the history of the U.S. mostly-tepid responses to Muslim extremist attacks

Pierre Rehov's Middle East Documentaries

"Palestinian mythology is based on an absurd "martyrology " that every  
reporter working in the "territories " is forced to buy, in order to 

work safely. There is no freedom of press under the Palestinian 

Authority, and no journalist can report honestly without risking his 


Misunderstanding al Qaeda
What you weren't told about their targets in Saudi Arabia
by Paul Marshall

12/01/2003, Volume 009, Issue 12

Students' Ramadan-fast assignment protested
By Art Moore
November 25, 2003

Hundreds of Christians who fled Egypt to the United States claiming

persecution under Islam showed up outside a Southern California middle school

 to protest an extra-credit assignment urging students to participate

in the Muslim Ramadan fast. 


"The New Anti-Semitism."
Q & A with Liberal Feminist Phyllis Chesler 
November 25, 2003


The Real History of the Crusades
Weary of revisionist history that casts 
Christians as the aggressors who were responsible for the Crusades, 

scholar Thomas F. Madden presents a different view

The Vatican's New Realism about Islam
By Robert Spencer | October 31, 2003

What Threatens Us
By Paul J. Cella 

An intellectually challenging look at Chesterton and his friend Hilaire Belloc, 

writers from the early twentieth century, 

who acknowledged the strength of the Islam faith 

and what that faith leads to 

From TCS (Technology Central Station)

Sound Familiar?
Understanding Islamic End-Times beliefs.
an interview with scholar David Cook 

Christian Reactionaries Leading A New Crusade
By Paul Sheehan
December 2 2002

clash of jihad and crusade

One Nation Under God?
 by David Kupelian of 
November 26, 2002 

The marginalization and even outright demonization of Christianity in the U.S. 

Does Israel belong to the Jews?
Posted: April 26, 2002
By Joel Miller

Questions typical interpretations of Ezek. 37:21-28 due to verse 23.

Does not consider the Jewish substantial and continuing history in the land for over 3,000 years and the

ratification by the UN of their ownership of their land as a nation.

From: National Review On-line
Red-Heifer Days
Religion takes the lead.
by Rod Dreher

has explanations and descriptions of the end-time viewpoints of

Muslims, Jews, and Christians, and discusses a possible flashpoint in events

regarding a red heifer.

Peace: The Arabian Caricature
by Carlin Romano
Semite and Anti-Semite

 Hatred of Jews in the Arab world.

Answering Islam Home Page
A Christian-Muslim dialogue

   On U.S., Arafat, Israel

Evil's Advantage Over Conscience
Why the West gives Yasser Arafat endless second chances
by Norman Doidge 

From WorldNetDaily: 'Arabian Knight'
By Aliza Davidovit
This article is about the Arab American journalist Joseph Farah, 
editor and chief executive officer of World Net Daily

Floor Statement of U.S. Senator James M. Inhofe
Contains challenging historical facts plus reference to what happened at the last Camp David in the summer of 2000, when then Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak offered the most generous concessions to Yasser Arafat that had ever been laid on the table, including more than 90 percent of all the West Bank territory.

(MEMRI is a small, nonprofit organization with offices in Jerusalem and Washington, dedicated to monitoring the Arabic-language media in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories, and translating important dispatches into English. These dispatches are generally never reported in our media, despite MEMRI's work)

FrontPage magazine
A U.S. based lifelong civil rights activist, David Horowitz launches his
Defense of Israel Campaign 
to counter "wholesale fabrications that are
repeated with a minimum of skepticism by the media"

Islam: The Religion of Peace
... explanation from the website: "Peace can have two different meanings. Westerners usually think of peace as being free to live one's life as one pleases, and allowing others the freedom to do the same. But peace is also a condition that can be brought about through subjugation, in which unbelievers are brought under the domination of Islam to live meekly as dhimmis.
Regrettably, this is the sort of peace that the Qur'an and Hadiths (the Islamic traditions) teach. ... Islam will be a peaceful religion when Muslims stop preaching hate, stop killing in the name of Allah, and stop remaining apathetic to the violence. Until this happens, we will faithfully document the each of the reasons why this is anything but a "Religion of Peace."

FLAME (Facts and Logic About the Middle East)
description:  presents the truth about Israel and the Middle East conflict to the attention of an American public that is mostly uninformed and misinformed about these matters by the general media.