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The Value of Corporate Prayer:

(shared by Teri)

Typed out below is a vision that was shared once during a  "Watch Of The Lord" (all night praise and prayer) that I attended once. These 'watches' occur on Friday night all over the world, with more and more people and fellowships participating. They devised a support system with instructions for these "Watches" -- Address is: Mahesh Chavda Ministries International P.O. Box 472009 Charlotte, NC 28247-2009

The following vision was shared to Mahesh from someone in a southern state (Georgia, I believe) who had this vision during a 'Watch': At the beginning of the vision, this person saw a vast field--unplowed and unplanted. There was much work to do. The field stretched as far as the eyes could see, and he knew his task--impossible as it seemed --was to get a crop going and harvest going in this field. He decided to be undaunted by the vastness of the work, and to be obedient to the Lord--even if he could never get it done--so he went onto the field and found his 'spot' to work on. He saw others also--a great deal of distance between them all--also out there alone to work on their section. All he had with him was a small shovel. Not even a full-sized shovel. On it was marked the word: "prayer" He felt this was probably a statement reflecting his rather inadequate personal prayer life. He looked into the distance and realized that everyone else also had a small tool of various kinds with them. They were all in the same position as he--doing the best they could with very little. After a great deal of time and effort, he managed to have done enough work that a couple of small tomatoe plants appeared. One of them even managed to grow a green tomatoe on it. He was working on the third tomatoe plant--proud of these tomatoe plants and the accomplishment (it took so much work!) Then a HUGE machine drove up a little distance away. A friendly man waved at him from the machine. This machine looked like it could do lots of work on the field, so he walked over to the man and the machine. He asked the man, "What can this machine do?" "Everything you need" the man answered. "Can it plow, sow seeds, and harvest too?" "Yes," answered the man. "This machine can do everything." "Weed, too?" he asked. "Yes! It can even weed! Climb on it, if you want", said the man graciously to him. He was really thankful that this man was going to help out so much. He knew that this machine could accomplish in only a few hours what it would take many years for all the people on the field to accomplish in their places with their small tools. So he climbed into the cab, and the man took his place to drive the machine. When he got in, he noticed that there was a vast number of people also in the machine--probably stretching as far back as he could see. Puzzled, he turned to the man and asked, "What is this machine called?" The man answered, "Corporate prayer."

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