Below is proof of occultic interest in Merlin spirit and the like:
  See also: Reports of the results of Merlin/Arthur mysticism mixed into 'prophetic' conferences that surfaced on two prophetic e-mail lists. At least one of these Christians were contacted to verify their report as being applicable to the Trouble in Prophet Land  report. which is only an ancillary article to an OPEN REBUKE which as yet still remains unanswered.

August 10th, 1999:

General interest in the Merlin tale/spirit still abounds!

A recent story by the Charlotte News and Observer regarding the upcoming Eclipse (the eclipse is viewable on the Internet at ) reports on plans re: the Merlin spirit in England:

"Beat writer Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters will gather near the English town of Penzance, where they will put on a play as darkness descends there -- 11:11 a.m. Aug. 11 -- to call forth the spirit of Merlin from King Arthur's Court."

About Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters - Check the URL:
Lots of links to articles, bibliography etc:

The following is an excerpt from: :

August 11 1999~ Minack Theater, Penzance... The last great cosmic event of the millennium at 11:11am. Front row for a Total Solar Eclipse! Could this be the revelation we've all been awaiting? Britain's Channel 4 will remotely feed a live video signal to London broadcasting on the network, not to be confused with the internet, as the Pranksters call forth the Spirit of Merlin live from the stage of the Minack Theater overlooking the English Channel and overwhelming anyone in sight. At 11pm London time, Britain's Channel 4 will report live from the Prankster encampment whether Merlin showed up during the Eclipse. We're as anxious as the Brits!

Saturday, February 20, 1999

The third convergence of the wheresmerlin? Society occurred as the winter winds swirled dark clouds with rain, sleet and snow. The Itinerary spilled forth like milk running out of a bottle dropped on the floor of the Springfield Creamery. Our imaginations conjured a plan for the Eclipse at the Minack to call forth the spirit of Merlin. We may be on to something!

The Eclipse: Is it an omen at the end of this century, or a prognostication for the impending millennium?

The plunge into darkness will commence in the North Atlantic offshore from Nova Scotia. Its first landfall will be in the English counties of Cornwall and Devon in the southwest, the only land area in the British Isles where the eclipse will be visible for two minutes and six seconds at its zenith. This will be the first total solar eclipse in Britain since 1927 and it will be the last until 2090!

Hordes of people are expected for this celestial event. Roving bands of druids, numerolgists, astronomers, hippies, New Age devotees and Merry Pranksters all looking for the last great cosmic event of the 2nd millennium.

So what does this all have to do with the Search for the True Merlin? Well, if we look hard enough, what we discover is that Cornwall is reputed to be the home of King Arthur. King Arthur's Castle is located in Tintagel Head on the western shore of the Celtic Sea in Cornwall, a perfect place to search for Merlin's spirit, or Merlin himself!


Update: February 2000

More proof of Merlin and King Arthur's place in the occult world

Interest in Merlin is also exploding in the U.S., if one were take the word of internet sites that are now devoted to him. On the front page of the internet site of (notice we have not linked to it.)you can find the following opening paragraphs. Notice the clear 'New Age' direction of the 'voice within':

Welcome to Merlin's Voice !

So much has been written regarding the Celtic race it would take a lifetime to include every record in this web space and probably crash my server, so I will not even try. What started out as a personal site to air my work now seems to demand an explanation, that is what I will try to achieve with Merlin's Voice. Quite a few people have said to me where is his voice, the simple answer to that is he lies within us all, and while you read Merlin speaks.

It is not my intention to dwell on the history of the Celts, as almost all written manuscripts will state similar facts and they are numerous believe me, far too extensive to be included here. This place belongs to the people who have made it their life's work and are still deciphering the ancient works of the Bards, Ovates, Druids, Culdees, and those who encountered them through the centuries. For this reason I have supplied a reference list of reading material by the authors I have found or been directed towards during my own studies, and perhaps to thank them for sharing their enlightenment.


Also, at the following URL,, one can find a list of books by a prolific occult writer, Garth Knight. His titles include, The Occult: an introduction and Occult Exercises and Practices which has an "easy-to-follow programme based on the four 'worlds' of occultism that includes "physical, astral, mental and spiritual exercises" to guide "the novice." His book The Practice of Ritual Magic has an advertisement that states: "Given persistence and prolonged dedication, you should find yourself in the position of having a full-scale temple permanently set apart -- either on an individual or a shared group basis."

Below are his advertisements in full regarding King Arthur and Merlin ritual-based books:

The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend

The archtypal themes, images and characters of the Arthurian cycle and
their place in the Western magical tradition.  I often can figure out how
unreasonable they are being by their sin in their reaction. You'll find
this in the Bible too (Be angry, but sin not) In this book Gareth Knight
takes the most haunting of all British legends and places it in its
rightful position as the core of a Western mystery tradition that draws on
its inspiration from Greek, Irish and even Atlantean myth.

The central Arthurian themes and characters are examined in detail and
 the carefully woven pattern that has developed around the Arthuriad is
brought to light and its full significance revealed.  This fascinating
study takes the reader beyond the world of Malory or the figure of Arthur
as a fifth-century chieftain and unfolds an unforgettable  inner landscape
as real as the Isles in which it was created.

   First published by Aquarian Press, 1985.
   Now published by Samuel Weiser, Inc., Box 612, York Beach, ME
   03910, USA.
   ISBN: 0-87728-861-5
   This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe:

Merlin and the Grail Tradition

Few figures from myth and story have impressed the popular imagination
like that of Merlin, Archmage of the land of Logres, whose shadowy,
compelling presence plays a key part in the tales of Arthurian legend and
the Quest of the Holy Grail.

In this valuable collection of essays, Gareth Knight traces the historical
importance and esoteric influence  of Merlin and the Grail tradition from
legendary beginnings right down to modern times.

Topics covered include: The Archetype of Merlin; Merlin and the Grail;
Megalithic Temple contacts; John Dee, the Elizabethan Merlin; the Inner
Realms of Arthur; Dion Fortune and the Grail; and more.

In the closing chapter, entitled The Catechism of the Grail, the author
gives the full text of a powerful ritual drama -- a rare glimpse into the
work of a modern magical tradition that draws its inspiration from the
figure of Merlin and seeks to bring to earth the Mystery of the Grail.

   First published by Sun Chalice Books, 1999.
   Sun Chalice Books, PO Box 5355, Oceanside, CA 92052, USA
   ISBN: 1-928754-01-5

This brand new title is not yet listed by Amazon, but should be
available soon.

Below is a letter sent to us regarding the Merlin spirit and the like:
(This linked from  Trouble in Prophet Land)

To:               <>
Subject:          ARTHUR  ETC
Date sent:        Wed, 23 Jun 1999 19:52:24 -0400


Aug 3rd 1997 late pm

Bob Jones had asked me to pray for Charlotte and surrounding area's. In the evening God told me to go into the bedroom and pray.

The Lord told me to pray for a few things (personal) and then to pray for Charlotte and N. C. I had a burden for Charlotte area because a few weeks ago I went to the all night prayer meeting of Mahesh and Bonnie. I enjoyed the meeting but I kept getting a feeling in my spirit similar to what I remember having when I first went to Kansas City Fellowship years ago. As if the devil was looking intently for an opening in which to operate.

While I was praying this particular night, (at my home) I had a vision of a wizard- like person in the heavenlies. He had a long pointed hat it was blue with gold moons and stars. His gown was also blue with moons and stars all over it and he was running around laughing. He then leaned over trying to touch the ministry. I sensed it was not some little demon playing games, but a real stronghold, even though he looked old-fashioned, almost comical and was laughing. The Holy spirit said "Merlin."

(Recently I did some history study on 6th-12th century Arthurian traditions, because there has been a great resurgence of it in England and America.)

The history I looked at was as close as they could get to the real figures that the myths are based upon. (see MERLIN at end)

While I was praying I began to smell a sweet flowery smell. At first I wondered if it was the presence of the Lord, but it wasn't and I rebuked it. It finally went away. Then I felt impressed to look at my history book and I opened it and began to read through the pages. I came to one page and the same smell came again, but stronger. The book was talking about MORGAN LE FAY.

MORGAN le FAY was the daughter of Igrain and Gorlois of Cornwall. Later she was linked with the Goddess's Macha and Morrighan of Ireland.

The historian, Mallory, says that when her father was killed she was, "put to school in a nunnery where she became a great clerk of necromancy." When female children had "second sight" or displayed an aptitude for mystical life, they were sent to be trained by priestesses. Morgan Le Fay apparently had the ability to change her appearance as Merlin did. Mallory says that she was clearly the tutelary (ruling) spirit or Goddess. One of the things Morgan Le Fay did was to test people and challenge them to see if they were worthy of her favor.

The Holy Spirit showed me that the spirit of MORGAN LE FAY was also positioned above Charlotte with Merlin.

I now need to explain something else:

In THE 1890"S "The Magical Order of the Golden Dawn" who had some prestigious members such as, A E Waite, W.B. Yeats, and Alistair Crowley, were drawing upon the Arthurian traditions in their magical operations. This was continued by Dion Fortune in the "Society of Inner Light" and then by "Servants of the Light School of Quabalistic Science" and also various individuals.

John Matthews, historian and writer tells of a meeting/gathering he was at in Gloucestershire in 1982. At this workshop a tremendous pool of energy was built up using the consciousness of the 50-60 people present. The leader of the group then "summoned up" Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin, and Morgan back from the "inner realms". John Matthews reports that, "immediately the power of the response was total. The ones called up were literally present among the group." "Their presence remained for quite some time." The Sleeping Lord (Arthur) was sent forth again into the world to work for the restoration of the Arthurian kingdom. This same group continued this work by going to various historical sites connected with Arthurian traditions and repeating the "calling forth.'

Here is another testimony from someone else present at the first meeting.:

"The prophecy of the return of Arthur was fulfilled that night at the Camelot we built. After reading Tennyson's, "Morte d' Arthur" we invited back into our company the redeemed archetypes of the round table. We sat silently for what seemed an age, invoking the personages with whom we had become SO FAMILIAR..SENDING THEM FORTH TO INTERCEDE FOR THE TROUBLED WORLD OF OUR TIMES. It was truly an awesome and splendid thing that we did. The power that we invoked was both visible and perceptible in every sense' the candles on the alter shimmering with a radiance greater than their own. None of us wanted to leave, we were gripped, not by fear, but by a longing to remain, Then one by one the company dispersed to bear into the world the substance of what we had experienced to continue the work of the Round Table within our own sphere of life".

John Matthew continues his testimony:

"The operation culminated in a large scale working in 1987 intended to bring about the restoration of the King Arthur's Courts of Joy. This is a deeply magical place to which the four Hallows of the Grail myth, Cup, spear, Stone and Sword were set once more at power points in the body of Logres ( Inner Great Britain) here to work actively for the healing of the land and those who dwell in it." ( see end for all the testimony of this meeting)

The tradition that speaks of Arthur as the Sleeping Lord, the TUTELARY (Ruling) spirit of inner Britain, embody a REALITY OF A GREAT POWER." - John Matthews

After God had showed me all this, I knew of course that the Morgan Le Fay spirit was visiting ME. It knew I was going to pray against it and the MERLIN spirit over Charlotte.

I bound it up and the flowery smell went away, then I went into the kitchen. There were two angels there but they stood back and a beautiful women (dressed in something shining) the spirit of Morgan Le Faye manifested itself to me. I said, "what are you doing there? (Charlotte). It replied, "They called us". I didn't ask who "They" were. It said to me:

Morgan "I can help you"

Kathie "No you can't"

Morgan "Yes I can tell you things"

Kathie "The Holy Spirit will tell me what I need to know"

Morgan "I can tell you where to go and pray". (I felt the Lord was going to have me go and pray in some places in England against all this stuff)

Kathie "Go away to Greece" (don't know why I said that)

Morgan "I hate Greece, I always get sent to Greece."

Kathie I didn't say anything but I thought to myself, because of the mythology"

Then the two angels stepped forward and took hold of the spirit and dragged it backwards and away from me. But I also felt that it wasn't yet going to Greece, it was going back to Charlotte, as if it had some legal ground.

This Spirit was very alluring, but very deceptive. I've seen lots of demonic spirits and quite a few angels but I've never seen a spirit look like this. It was like something out of a story book. When I saw it, it was hard to believe it was evil, because it's voice was so sweet.

About MERLIN :

MERLIN first appears in recognizable form in the writings of the twelfth century historian Geoffrey of Monmouth. Merlin plays a considerable role in his History of the Kings of Britain.

R.J. Stewart in his study of Merlin's prophecies has established that Geoffrey must have had access to a large collection of materials which recorded Merlin's inspired utterances. Geoffrey claimed that he was merely translating a very ancient book lent to him by Archdeacon Walter of Oxford.

The source of this book seems to have been the writings of the eighth century monk, Nennius whose records are one of the few authentic writings of the Arthurian era. He writes of a young prophet,Ambrosius and in order not to confuse him with Ambrosius who overthrew Vortigern, Geoffrey gave him the name Merlin, borrowed from another native figure Merddyn Wyllt.

Merlin served three Kings, Ambrosius, Aurelianus and Arthur. For all these he performed remarkable feats, but he was never portrayed as just a magician.

Geoffrey of Monmouth also wrote a separate book about Merlin. Vita Merlini Merlin for a while was driven mad by the scenes of carnage at the battle of Arderydd and went off into the forests and wilderness for several years. When he reappeared he was acclaimed as a prophet and wise man. Merlin was very much part of the ancient bardic tradition of Wales. Together with Taliesin, Aneurin, and Llywyarch Hen, his writings form a significant body of literature which has survived to this present day. Many of his magical arts are duplicated in this primitive strain of material.

THE TWELFTH CENTURY WRITER ROBERT DE BORRON set about filling in some details of the parts missing regarding Merlin. Merlin apparently had the ability to change shape and appearance. It was said that Merlin was actually the product of a sexual act between his mother and a succubus spirit. There are many more stories available regarding Merlin.

Both these spirits, "Merlin" and "Morgan" seemed to scorn the Jezebel spirit because it didn't have the same power as they had. I also saw briefly another spirit that had a round face, it was smiling and looked almost like a toy. It was sent after the children. Again it was deceptive because it didn't look evil. A lot of the young people today who have been involved in occult activities tell me that they have been into shape-changing. One young man that I prayed for told me that he personally had seen his "mentor" run across a field several times and his shape would change into that of a deer as he was running. Sounds weird?.. I might not have believed it myself had I not seen the same spirit come out of this young man, who when he was into his occultic activities didn't seem to think it was that unusual.

ARTHUR - Historic

Arthur was born in the 5-6th century either in Cornwall or Wales. He became a great king and also a great war leader with the title Dux Brittanorum (Duke of Britain). He commanded the various armies of petty kings who re-asserted their claims to the land after the Roman rule came to an end. Endless raiding of each others lands and quarreling continuously, would have made them an easy prey to invading forces. Arthur persuaded them to form a united front and he was placed at the head of the army. Arthur had a shield with the image of Mary painted on it and led his warriors against the Saxons with such good effects that the invasions ended almost peacefully . The invaders ( Saxons) were penned within certain areas of the country and then farmed the land. They inter-married, thus founding the race known as the English. A mixture of Celtic and Saxons (North Germans).

The Britons who fled the Saxon invasions found sanctuary across the sea in Brittany and opened up a channel which later on became the avenue for the transmission of news about Arthur and Britain.From here came all the tales and stories of Arthur"s escapades and exploits.

Most of what we know of Arthur and his reign comes from Geoffrey of Monmouth, historian of the 12th century. He allocated half of his works to Arthur and Merlin. He claimed to have translated an "ancient book in British tongue"

The French poet, Chretien recorded many of the stories and tales of Arthur and his knights.

There is much written about Arthur and the Knights of the round table. It is romantic, seemingly just and even righteous to a point. It is also very deceptive.

There are historic accounts of various knights, but the whole heritage seems to become a mixture of religion and magic and real prophecy and necromancy. Remember that in England much of the Christian background was Catholic with all the saints and Mary plus all kinds of magical and weird "otherworld" connotations.

As the known world at that time was not sophisticated in religion or mind, there was an abundance of superstition, mystical worship etc. There were powerful manifestations of demonic forces. The wizards and magicians of that time were able to put on some mind boggling displays of the supernatural. Merlin and other witches etc were able to change appearances of people and also of landscapes. No wonder these familiar spirits want to be let loose again to get a name for themselves.

What most people do not know is that the early Celtic Christians like Columba of Iona, Brendan, Patrick, Brigid, Cuthbert, Kieran, Comgal and many others had a tremendous and powerful anointings from God and confronted the Druids in open challenges and displays - being very bold they would declare the power of God and often were called upon to demonstrate Gods power was greater than the power of the Druids. See Columba-The Celtic Dove by Kathie Walters and Celtic Flames - by Kathie Walters

IN ONE FAMOUS INSTANCE, ARTHUR LEADS a band of warriors to steal the cauldron of Arawn which it was said, could restore life to any dead warrior placed within it. It is evident that Arthur, by acquiring this trophy also acquired for himself something of the power of the Lord of the (Occult) Otherworld.

IN ANOTHER FAMOUS ACCOUNT Arthur ordered the exhumation of the head of BRAN, the great guardian spirit (EX KING) of Britain, on the grounds the he alone was the Guardian of Britain.

He believed that by exhuming the head of Bran, he was adding his power to his own, making him a stronger ruler over England

Some of the early portraits of Arthur were not always flattering. In several early chronicles he is given the title HORRIBLUS and described as a tyrant.

Arthur is also described by historians as the greatest of all Christian kings. Obviously there were many accounts of courageous and chivalrous acts as we all know. Accounts of these can be read from various books such as Thomas Malory"s Le Morte de Arthur.


Avalon is the mystical Arthurian substitute for heaven. It sounds mystical, romantic. It appeals to the soul of men who have an emptiness inside. It gives a hope, even though it is a false hope. It is appealing because there is no demand for commitment as there is with a Christian's (certain) hope of heaven.

"When Arthur is mortally wounded at Camlan, Morgan Le Fay ( who has up to that point been his enemy) comes and takes Arthur away to Avalon, (the island paradise of the celts) to be healed and await a FUTURE CALL TO HIS COUNTRY"S NEED"S.

From this mystical state Arthur and Morgan Le Fay, Merlin and many other persons of the Arthurian era, (or rather the familiar spirits) have been called by many societies in the U.K,
U S and even other nations.

Avalon to many people today is a real place in the sense they believe it is an inner place in the spirit realm. It is described "as a place of healing, a realm of peace where even the enmity of Morgan for Arthur no longer holds good. Here too lies Nimue the damsel of the lake. The queen of Norgales is also said to come here connecting the otherworlds with the Kingdom of the grail/

It is called a wondrous land, girdled by the ocean, it lacks no good thing, no thief or enemy lurks there, no snow falls, no hot heat, but unbroken peace and harmony. No flower is lacking, the apple tree bears fruit and flowers on one bough, Youth and maiden live together without blame of shame. Old age is unknown, there is no sickness nor suffering. Everything is full of joy. No one keeps anything selfishly to himself. Everything is shared".

Avalon, it sounds great. The only thing is that is all a lie. It tries to put aside human nature, which we know can"t be done without the substitutionary death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is no paradise or cleansing from sin apart from the blood of Jesus.

There seems to be a deception even among Christians about the Arthurian kingdom, Camelot and the unseen "Avalon".

Because of the connection with "Good, righteousness, chivalry, and heroism, many Christians accept and even flirt with the concepts of the Arthurian legends. The familiar Spirits that are being called up by many New Age and Spiritist groups are dangerous, very deceptive and blinding.

A friend of mine in London, a prophet, was visiting a ministry in the U.S. recently. While there someone in the ministry prayed for him. I'm sure they had every good intention, but they prayed for him for the "Blessings of Camelot". Afterwards he had to rebuke that soulish praying, as he felt very uneasy in his spirit, especially having had three very serious neat- death "accidents" in a few weeks. Friend, there are no blessings of Camelot for the Christian.

There are curses that come through the fascination with these mythical, magical realms of the Spirit. They are demonic strongholds where the power of them has been released through the "calling forth" of these familiar spirits.

Break the power of Wizardry, Witchcraft, the Occult, Bran, Deception etc. If you have been involved in any of the Arthurian mythology. It is a substitute for the real things of the Kingdom of God. Jesus is the only hero we are to follow and revere. The power of the Holy Spirit is the only power we need. The Kingdom of Heaven is the only real spiritual kingdom that holds any real hope.

FOR INTERCESSORS - Remember that Arthur is spoken of as having great magical potency, The Sleeping Lord, the tutelary spirit of inner Britain, which embodies a great power.

If YOU DESIRE TO PRAY FOR ENGLAND, and now the U.S. BRING DOWN THIS STRONGHOLD. IT IS SWEEPING INTO THE U S ESPECIALLY THE EAST COAST. This familiar spirit still works with Merlin and Morgan le Fay. It"s objective is to cover the land with a lie, a spirit of witchcraft, to deceive with "niceness" in one form or another.

The spirit believes that England is it's inheritance. Where these spirits are manifesting, the anointing is coming to a halt. God has given us the Holy spirit, the spiritual gifts to discern and break these controlling powers.

The people who hold these seances and call forth these familiar spirits did a lecture tour of the East Coast of America 1994. Pray for the East Coast, especially N C.

Bob Jones told me that he believes that these spirits are at the base of the new Age Movement. When you think of it, all the crystal, magic, spells etc that are a part of the new Age all stemmed originally from the Arthurian day.

I have been in several meetings that have made me very uncomfortable. There were all kinds spiritual supernatural experiences given out. I love the supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit myself but these seem to be used to bring some kind of affirmative to the ministers or preachers ministry. Some are quite bizarre and just appear to leave you with all your attention on the minister. People, especially young Christians come away saying "Wow! that man must be in a far out place that I could never reach"

Also the spirit of Morgan Le Faye is in a lot of worship services.. it is subtle, it is seductive.. it brings a sensuous sensation into the worship


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