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Tired of Organized Religion and/or the Institutional Church?
Well, so are we!

See: What is the IC? (or get the PDF)
  Blazing Trails Too
('initial' dissertations)

'Exodus' Page
 (about, and for,
those who have just left)

Onward and Upward
(for the trouble spots)
We started out in 1996 having no idea of anyone else doing this at the time.  The Spirit instructed us to start out on the internet, telling us to prepare because there would soon be a mass exodus out of American churches. This is the original alleghorical 'picture' the Lord gave me back in 1997.
-Teri Lee Earl
Blazing Trails
Note: Blazing Trails is the very first webpage we constructed in 1997. We were led to express the beginning of this 'journey' by this allegorical example.
One Hundred and Fifty years ago, American pioneers embarked toward the new frontier of the West to make legal claim of free land. It was said that the land had such rich soil that even fence posts sprouted branches. For 25 years, approximately 500,000 men, women, and children braved a trek called the Oregon Trail to reach Oregon City and other destinations of the West. Along the way, they encountered the strange and wonderous sights of the new land. These included vast buffalo herds, volcanic oddities which oozed water as red as blood, springs that tasted like beer, and a 128-foot high dark granite rock they dubbed Independence Rock.

Faced with unexpected hardships, these ordinary people made extraordinary decisions along the way. For instance, over a high, narrow ridge called "Devil's Backbone," many had to jettison cherished possessions in order to lighten the load of their exhausted oxen. Sometimes the 'captains' they voted in as their leaders resigned in disgust over the many petty disputes between the people. But all were committed to the trail for the sake of a new frontier, which they found vastly rewarding.

The 'Overlanders' as they were called, had more than just hopes and dreams. They took supplies in their specially built wagons known as prairie schooners. They had the detailed guide books and good maps of those that preceded them. The best route through the Rockies had been charted in 1842 by the U.S. Army map-making corps. These pioneers didn't set out alone, but traveled in groups of 'wagon trains.' Members of the expeditions set and agreed to rules for the journey. Along the way, they were assisted by trade with friendly Indians and small (although expensive) supply posts. And then there was the kindness of their own fellow travelers, such as missionaries who rode ahead, and then returned as guides!

A new frontier has been revealed by God through scriptural study and visions, dreams and prophecies. Many have already begun the pioneer process, successfully. It is because of what God has already been initiating across America that Harvest NETwork's Webpage has been established. Harvest NETwork intends to serve and support what has already begun -- the call and work of establishing home churches across America. Harvest NETwork and its team of contributors hopes to share vision, teachings, pragmatic help and kind assistance -- whatever is needed -- to and amongst all the pioneers willing to blaze the trail!