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The wide variety of links, reports, articles, or testimonies on this page cannot possibly be said to represent all reports or thoughts that have come out of the controversial renewal 'movement' However, they are honest accounts and discussions -- many from first hand witnesses or experiencers of the renewal such as myself, and many gleaned from information or developments verifiable by myself as I also have witnessed them.
-Teri Lee Earl
To: some little known 'Renewal' Prophecies

Read "A Little Leaven, Revisited"   by Teri Lee Earl presents many facts or factual accounts with footnotes

Uproar in the Church by Derek Prince. A testimony of how the Holy Spirit ministered in laughter and joy, defeating life-long depression. 
Derek Prince also wrote an important sequel to this, "Protection From Deception" (Navigating Through The Minefield Of Signs And Wonders),  in which he did complain of  'mixture' in renewal.  Book description: "For false messiahs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matt 24:24). There has been in recent years a worldwide explosion of signs and wonders. Some of these are biblical, others bizarre and unbiblical. Before accepting any of these phenomena, we need to ask: Is it a genuine work of God's Holy Spirit? Is it in harmony with Scripture? If you think deception has not happened to you - beware! 

This article assumes there will be 'physical signs' of the Spirit in revivals, and addresses some issues of 'mixture' in the current 'outpourings'.

By Ken Mullis - about faking "manifestations" or emotionalism because of peer pressure

Truth, Reality, and the Anointing by Art Katz (discusses integrity and the Lord's grief for 'unreal' and hyped up revivals) 

Explanation with pictures of nightly renewal meetings being held at New Song Fellowship in Denver, CO., current as of year 2005.  Note: This website denies that "animal manifestations" exist during their renewal meetings. It also defends Toronto by claiming that animal manifestations are not normative there either. However, it must be noted that the author of this webpage has witnessed these manifestations in earlier years, and did consistently observe certain widespread explanations or 'theologies' for strange manifestations amongst renewalists at that time. This is reported thoroughly in the first article at top of page. We post the New Song webpage here as an example showing that wherever leadership does not embrace or encourage the bizarre or demonic, the bizarre may not occur at all.

History of the Awakening of 1992-1995 by Richard Riss. This gives the renewalist's account of their history.

Evangelicalism's Heroes Speak by Richard Riss - an unedited version of an article that was in DESTINY IMAGE DIGEST.  Contains footnotes!

"Counterfeit Critique" by James A. Beverley. A critique of Hank Hanegraaff's "Counterfeit Revival"
from the Sept., 1997 issue of Christianity Today"
(Also the reader may want to be aware of the controversies that have beset Hank Hanegraaff since he became president of the Christian Research Institute (CRI), after the death of its founder, Walter Martin (June 26, 1989). The CRI Connection at is Walter Martin's Infonet, run by his daughter, Jill Rische, and her husband Kevin.)

There were nothing but great reports of healings and salvations spread across the internet regarding Brownsville in 1996,
until 1997 when disputes over money began:
Brownsville Defense
Friday, Jul. 2, 1999 report off of CNN  from the Alta Vista web, and
Report and then rebuttal from Pastor Kilpatrick of Brownsville Kirkpatrick reestablishes his control over the gift of prophecy in his church.
Dr. Michael Brown's dismissal because he would not join the Assemblies of God, claiming that God had directed him to remain non-denominational.
He then started his own FIRE school right there in Pensacola, with about half the staff of the school leaving to go with him.

The Vineyard Controversy 
There were so many articles complaining of extraBiblical quotes from Vineyard sources, etc., that we have choose only a few, and this one is the best one left:

Next-Wave: Renewal, the Hype, the Hope, the Reality by Len Hjalmarson. After 8 years of hope and hype, Len calls it quits in a very nice way.

It is well-known that others who entered the Vineyard at approximately the same time here in the U.S. (1994), had it much worse than what Len seems to have known, and so have left the denomination quicker than he did. The author of this webpage has seen/experienced certain things directly as well. After several years of speaking to many others --most of whom were  'pro' renewal --it was decided that a briefly written essay might be helpful.  On Vineyard and Renewal  is designed to help those who have encountered frank spiritual abuse or immaturity in a Vineyard specific setting.

Stop The Blight/Save The Vineyard 


Voices From The Fringe by Dr. Ronald Enroth
Former members report the tragedy of churches that drift into the distorted behavior more expected of a cult
Quote: "With few exceptions, these churches are orthodox in their basic doctrine. The controversy has little to do with their faith, but with the way they interpret and practice it."

Chapt. 11 of Rethinking the Wineskin, by Frank Viola was discovered after completeing this article to have expressed the same concerns over the current trends. Quoting: "not a few Christians desperately seeking individual renewal are routinely packing their bags and flocking to the various "Christian Meccas" of revivalism sponsored by third-wave-restoration churches...Because of their desperation to be touched by God, many of them have become open targets for every new wind of doctrine or experience that blows through the doors of the church, regardless of whether or not it has any Biblical merit (Eph. 4:14)...This is not to suggest that the third-wave-restoration movement has been without value to the Body of Christ... However, its basic flaw lies in its overemphasis on mystical experience, its tendency to put power gifts on the throne rather than Christ the Giver, and its zealous support of the modern clergy system... Quite frankly, the pastor is king in the typical third-wave-restoration church. Consequently, congregants who have been truly renewed with the new wine of the Spirit find very little freedom to fully function in their gifts during a typical church service..."

Defending Our Old Wineskins? by Michael Clark
Think about it. Is it really scriptural to brush aside Matt. 9:16-17?

See also our page devoted to being altogether "called out" of what is now known as the Institutional Church  (rather than staying and trying to fix the unfixable) at: Blazing Trails Too This could be considered akin to those who choose to homeschool rather than letting their children languish in a failing, corrupt, institutional public school system. A choice many Americans are making.

A Call To Charismatic Leaders 
This article was published by The Centre for Contemporary Ministry, in association with Intercessors for Britain. It was first published in Prophecy Today. Reprinted on Anton Hein's site by permission, 1996. It is a well-reasoned call to get back to the Bible.

How to Become a ‘Wolfproof' Christian by Brenda Imus
and more on our: Hierarchy page

The Gnostic heresy by William Barclay

Kingdom Theology

Highly Recommended. A must read for all concerned Pentecostals!
This article from Albert James Dager's 1986 Media Spotlight is a thorough and gracious overview of an extremist Pentecostal teaching error. We include it as something to watch for in enthusiastic 5-fold ministry talk.

Former KC Prophet/Kingdom Theology Rehash?
Some of those who claimed allegiance to 'Renewal,' joined with others in loose-knit and then formal support of one another. They held many expensive conferences to proclaim their messages. Some promoted themselves as the super apostles or prophets.

See:  "New Apostolic Reformation"  

Truth page

Money page

Conferences page

Controversial Renewal and Revival Movements (from Anton Hein's Apologetic Index)


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