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This linked from Look Back At Prophecies page.

Other recent "Jesus Movement" prophecies and where they are coming from
(see also, 2001 Update: Bob Jones joins the chorus)

Due to my concern over recent prophecies that sound like 'Jesus Movement/house church' prophecies, I have compiled samples that do not necessarily agree with the original revelations/intent of the Lord as I have known them for the last 6 years. I must take a brief time to voice my concerns so that what the Lord has given myself and others is not confused as one and the same with these prophecies.

(FOOTNOTE: concerns #1 are essentially a repeat from the New Wave?/Apostles and Prophets page)

1) Some prophecies are presented from a showmanship and prominence stance, as though they are the 'high level' prophets/apostles of America.  Please discern any spiritual pride in their presentations. In addition, there is a great deal of the money involved in their fee-oriented ministries (charges up to $300 a person per conference, not to mention the number of books sold!).

Cynicism over showmanship, posturing, superstar-status and money-charging practices may carry over to ALL prophecies that relate to this subject. Indeed, there have been MANY people who have gotten a strong leading from the Lord about the coming changes over the Church He desires, whose calling is not even necessarily 'prophet'. They did not pay to learn these things from Him or charge for sharing them. They simply prayed and/or were notified by God because of HIS good pleasure and choice.

2)  It is sometimes difficult to ascertain what exactly is being prophesied, who is associated with whom, or who is prophesying, because there are press-releases and announcements from groups of 'prophets' as well as a 'word' being given by one and then repeated by another 'prophet' they are in close association with.

Now, let us look at the first printing I observed from those who may be jumping on to the bandwagon of the coming "Jesus Movement/house meeting" revival:

In his Notes From The Prophetic Roundtable of 1999, Rick Joyner speaks from an apparently humble position of not knowing the full picture. This is why, he says, the 'leaders' got to together to discuss it amongst themselves. These leaders are unnamed and unidentified (we only know that one of them is Joyner, unless he just took notes).

So, by the first few paragraphs, he has carefully established that none of the prophecies mentioned are necessarily from him, and that they are from unnamed sources or a consensus of sources (this is well before any website went up, and while there is mention of Bob Jones there, there is no guarantee that these are the same people). Therefore, the following prophecies are quite possibly a mixture from who knows whom:


Establish Home Groups

Hospitality is basic to Christianity as even the Lord Himself will serve us at the great feast. Therefore, hospitality is required of all who would serve in leadership according to the New Testament. The root word for hospitality is hospital, and there is healing in hospitality. There is a new level of this gift being released in the church, and it will accompany a new level of authority. This is why one of the primary meeting places in the early church was the home. The body will be built up as we give ourselves to this great gift of hospitality. Polls reveal that the overwhelming majority of people who are coming to the Lord are led to Him by a friend or relative, usually because of the gift of hospitality.

We must also prepare home group leaders who can lay strong foundations in the lives of new converts. Acts 2:37-39 tells us exactly what happened to new believers in the early church:

1) They were pierced in their hearts or convicted of their sin.

2) They were baptized in water committing themselves to the cross.

3) They were filled with the Spirit.

4) They were devoted to the apostles' teaching.

Just as a new baby needs almost constant attention to survive, many new converts are not surviving in the faith because they are not given enough attention. In the first-century church, believers met daily, which helped to get all new converts firmly established in the faith. Churches that are experiencing revival or a lot of converts need to provide almost continual care for them until they are established. Churches that are strong in evangelism may need to link with those that are strong in teaching and pastoral care. To do this, we must have a vision bigger than just building our own congregations and have a heart for building the kingdom.


There is nothing obviously wrong with what Joyner says above. It all sounds quite reasonable and good. However, because we don't know what was actually said and by whom, we may only be reading his 'spin' or perception on it. I could spend time discussing the idea that 'new' hospitality gifts are being released, or that polls have anything to do with revelation, but in this case there really is no prophecy here for us to 'judge' (discern). Rick Joyner may be trying to be helpful but by being so vague, he gives no possibility for either the prophecy or revelation to be known in full light. Therefore, there is no possibility for the 'prophet(s)' to be held accountable. It is really just hear-say.

There are quite a few who do not view house meetings as a mere 'add-on' to boost traditional church structures, if that is where Joyner is headed.

Which leads us to the next part. This ALSO is from the same MS Journal:

All Quotes in italics:

A New Reformation

For the church to be who we are called to be there must be another reformation. In general terms, the church as it is today has proven itself irrelevant to the times, lacking the prophetic voice with which it is called to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom. There are obviously profound changes that must come if we are to fulfill our mandate to fully serve the Lord in our own generation. The corruption that is in the world is increasing, and it is doing so on our watch. Where is the light? Where is the salt?

This is not to imply that there are not many great churches and ministries that are accomplishing great things, but overall the church is profoundly out of step with the times, and change is coming. There is a new reformation that will be church-wrenching and church-wrecking if we are not prepared for it. If we can "judge ourselves rightly, we should not be judged" (I Corinthians 11:31), and we can fall on the rock and be broken so that it does not have to fall on us and crush us into powder. We will make it much easier on ourselves if we humble ourselves and repent, but the reformation is coming. It is inevitable. This is not just a new revival or renewal movement; it will be a revolution; there will be (figuratively) blood in the streets. It will look like a civil war in the church. The Lord said that judgment will begin with His household, and so we can expect it first.


Both of these quotes are taken from The Morning Star Journal Volume 9 Number 2 1999, pages 63-67

I would agree with this 'revolution' theme whole-heartedly. The civil war analogy can be traced back to Bob Jones, in my memory, even though it has been repeated by others. Joyner continues his discourse in this MS Journal with a discussion of one of Jones' prophecies. This is addressed in our Open Rebuke to Joyner.

In fact, Bob Jones and friends or associates may be very serious about being involved in 'revolutionizing' the Church.

At, Don Franklin of Prophetic Roundtable Ministries states "This section of the Roundtable is set aside specifically for teaching and discussion of issues that affect the Church in this day and age.  As it was in the days of Martin Luther many things within the modern church are in need of change.  This site is intended to function as both a teaching platform and a forum for discussion of controversial Church issues." But don't think you can tack on a document on this new 'Wittenberg's door' for all to see like Martin Luther did: You are to submit your requests for 'discussion' to the Round Table, and they in turn will decide what to do with it from there!

More specifically, the Jesus Movement:

In another 1999 Morningstar Journal article, IN A FATHER'S ABSENCE by Robin McMillan, the author states:  "Our nation is on the verge of a tremendous harvest. Many are seeing that the "Jesus Movement" of the late 1960s and early 1970s was just a forerunner of what is almost upon us. If the Christian men of our generation do not assume a place of leadership, integrity and consistent faithfulness which the Lord has given to us, much of the harvest will be lost..." The article was not primarily about this passing mention of Jesus Movement prophecies. However, we can glean from it that Morningstar has recently become aware of this theme and they may continue to expound on it later.

Thereafter, I came across the following report below. I have included the full report since it is not too long, but have highlighted the sentence that mentions the Jesus Movement:


Date sent:       Thu, 23 Dec 1999 13:11:18
Subject:         IRN News Digest


A group of high-level prophets recently met to seek God's face for a corporate Word at the World Prayer Center in Colorado Springs. Among those gathered were Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Mike & Cindy Jacobs, Mike Bickle, Barbara Wentroble, Jim and Michal Ann Goll, Tommy Tenney, Bart Pierce, Beth Alves, and Harold Caballeros, under the apostolic leadership of Dr. C. Peter Wagner and his wife Doris. As the group met, the Lord granted the following corporate prophetic word on November 30, 1999 to be shared with the body of Christ.

A Word upon Entering The New Millennium

There will be a great harvest of Jews, which will begin during this decade. This will particularly affect the Russian Jews around the world. There will be what some missiologists term a "people movement" among them. There will also be a persecution of the Jews in Russia that will notably escalate during the fall of 2000. This is so serious that it requires an immediate response from the church in prayer. We believe that it is the devil's strategy to precipitate another holocaust, and that this prayer thrust will help open a window of escape for those who feel called to leave, and a protection to those who are called to stay (Jer. 16:15-16). It is important to intercede for Russia for the breaking of famine because if we fail to do so, we can expect an invasion of Alaska by Russia for the bounty of Alaska.

A great youth revival is coming in America. Schools will be shaken for the glory of God. Many young people will be drawn into the church as they were during the Jesus Movement. God warned us that we must be ready to receive them or we might miss this move of God. This means that, among other things, we must prepare our people not to criticize them if their hair is Technicolor and they have body piercing or tattoos. God Himself will change their hearts, but we must not let false legalism drive them away. There is also a new Samuel generation of young children who will prophesy and restore the Word of the Lord to their generation.

A new signs and wonders movement is coming which is significantly greater than what was seen in the days of the post-World War II healing evangelists. Part of the fruit of this movement will be healing centers which will be built around the world, devoted to praying for the sick and casting out demons (Luke 10). One of the distinctive of this movement will be raising the dead. This will break barrenness off the church and such great fruitfulness will result that whole cities will turn to Christ and be transformed.

This move of God will be so powerful that the church will gather in stadiums to worship, both the church in given regions as well as some local churches that will grow so large that they will fill stadiums for their celebration worship services. This will grow out of what some call the "saints movement," in which large numbers of ordinary believers will be mobilized to win the lost, to cast out demons, and to heal the sick. The worldwide church will awaken to its responsibility to reach out and lift up the poor and oppressed as we read in Isaiah 58:7-12.

There will be a great move of the Holy Spirit among women. Many women will be released in the fivefold ministry and they will be used in the great worldwide revival which is coming. A time of shakings is increasing on the earth (Haggai 2:6-8; Heb. 12:25-31). These shakings will affect the following areas: The economic structures: It is time to be right with God because in the midst of the economic shakings the church will arise and enjoy increased protection by God as we walk in faith, in holiness and in purity; and as we learn God's Kingdom principles for economics. It is important to invest in Kingdom structures rather than in the world's economic systems in this hour. Shakings in the elements:

There will be an increase in severe weather patterns, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and other disasters. Governmental shakings: God is going to shake governments. Rulers will bow their knees to the Lord of Glory and dedicate their nations to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The government of God's Kingdom will be established through the apostles and prophets laying the foundation for the church. We will begin to recognize the apostolic and prophetic authorities in cities and nations.

A fresh holiness movement will spring up in the church in America. If this does not penetrate the entire fabric of American society, God will once again shake the economy of this nation as in the Great Depression.

We will see a tremendous transfer of wealth into the kingdom of God through the ministry of "marketplace apostles" (those with apostolic anointing for business and for other areas of society).

Muslim nations of Eurasia will form an alliance with the nations to their north for political and military purposes. Pray that God will keep open the doors for harvest.

The church will be in a key transition period between 2000 and 2003. During this period the youth in particular will be transitioning into revival. It is especially important for the apostolic government to be initially established and functioning in our cities by October 2003 if we are to see the transformations that God wants to release.

The Holy Spirit is placing a special emphasis on the Northeast for a new revival. It is God's desire for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit to fall on Washington, DC and that true revival will touch our government

Source: Cindy Jacobs.
Generals of Intercession
WITH CREDIT LINE PLEASE = [Source: Revivalnet.Net
http://www.revivalnet.NET ]

The Jesus Movement did not involve 'establishment' churches at all. Some later fell away, some joined cults, and some joined established churches, but this was after the 'revival' was well over. There was no mention of coffee houses, street ministry, home meetings, community or 'communes' or anything else that was so integral for the Jesus Movement in this prophecy. Instead, the prophecy later mentions youth again and then alludes to a city-wide "apostolic" church government--something which I have heard these people in Colorado have been focused on, and something which Mike Bickle has been known for during the old KC prophet mess.  Again, we are hampered by not knowing who exactly prophesied, and we don't know what exactly they said.

We don't know if Cindy Jacobs 'mixed' her own ideas of church gov't, or a misunderstanding of recent church history into the prophecy because these prophecies are not 'word for word' from anyone. If she did, I doubt there was any malice involved. If she didn't, then this prophecy is weak and could be questioned. But, we don't know who to question.


I'm sure these folks all mean well and they are probably excited over the prospect of any type of revival, but prophetic words need to be quoted from the source(s), author attached. There is absolutely no practice or indication in the Bible, New Testament or Old, that anyone should do otherwise. Forgive me for saying this, but we just can't tack on 'Jesus Movement revival' and pass it around like a second-hand tie-dyed shirt (owner missing) without someone noticing.

More importantly, in regards to the youth, we need to be on the alert for paradigms that run counter to the very idea of 'revolution' or the 'Jesus Movement'.  To be specific, I've noticed a resurgence or dose of old 'Shepherding Movement' messages or doctrine reflected in some prophecies ('touch not my anointed', as one of them. Click here for one that was forwarded to me by an upset Joyner fan). There are also strong indications that old 'restoration' teachings from the 70's are being recycled and presented as 'new' teachings or prophecies. Click here for an example.

Beware of these!

You may be too young to remember the Jesus Movement or the 'Shepherding Movement,' but be advised that these doctrines may well be considered the backlash or main arm that DESTROYED the Jesus Movement. They were quite possibly an over-reaction to the cultural 'rebelliousness' of the '60's (Indeed, one of the original teachers mentioned this cultural 'rebelliousness').  In my opinion, this perception that all young people were rebelliousness to authority during the 60's, contributed to reactionary religious doctrines that over-emphasized obedience. This, in addition to a lack of understanding of true spiritual authority, left many people WIDE-OPEN to a myriad of authoritarian movements, new denominations, and even cults--- All of which coincidentally began in the 70's-- in epidemic proportions.

I cannot really judge (discern) these prophecies by their content because I do not even know their exact wordings. I can only say that I question any prophecy that is given in this way. However, if you are interested at all in this subject or the youth, please be on the alert, for anything that is effectively the antithesis of the resurgence of the "Jesus Movement", no matter who it does or doesn't come from.

For more on how C. Jacobs and company view themselves as the initiators of 'reformation,' and what type of reformation that may end up being, see GI Newsletter Jan/Feb 2000.  (reproduced from their website in case they take it down, with comments)

Update: Bob Jones joins the chorus with his Jan., 2001 release of "Outside The Walls" (reprinted below)
(See also, Other recent "Jesus Movement" prophecies, above, if you have not already)

Relevant Background Info:
Argentine revivalists and teachers spoke very directly and thoroughly about being 'outside the four walls' of our church buildings at the Light The Nation conference I attended in 1998. This was one of their main and repeating themes and exhortations. (See my first hand report of this conference from the beginning at:, or go to Section 2 of this report, and read under the subtitle, A New Way of Being Church. Under this subtitle is a very brief synopsis of the May 6, 1998,  4PM workshop there, with the speaker being Pablo Deiros). Rick Joyner, who is very closely connected to Bob Jones and C. Peter Wagner, also attended and spoke at this conference, so surely he is well aware of the "outside the walls" concept.  Street ministry has been prophesied frequently, and the terms "Institutional Church" (I.C.) and the call to come out of it, as well as "ekklesia" has become quite well-known in the past 5 years, especially among many prophetic e-mail lists, websites, and other forums started by those who received revelations about it and shared it without cost to the receiver. There is of course no way to  know how much Jones or his friend at the time, Joyner, had noticed this trend toward home churches before Bob Jones published this prophecy, but it is obvious that the writing below by Bob Jones/Keith Davis uses some of these same terminologies..

Analysis of actual prophecy:
After this analysis, the actual prophecy is presented in it's entirety because of the copyright request. The portions of interest are boldened at our discretion. This is not an analysis or commentary on all of the "teachings" or exhortations contained in the prophecy, such as the talk on the "spirit of poverty" or other things that may be of side-interest. I am only commenting on those things that would be of concern to those involved or considering any open air or home meetings that are apart from the traditional church settings.  

Please take note that in this prophecy, Jones gives the standard and traditional admonishment to "not forsake the gathering of saints in the church" (usually meaning, meetings held within the four walls). There is also a brief exhortation to have home meetings, "structured appropriately and under proper authority," without saying what that is. Most of us familiar with the common language of hierarchy understand that Jones is probably speaking of home meetings as extentions of the main church such as in the commonly known and held Vineyard denomination "kinship" meetings. This does not necessarily mean a departure from the standard "covering" or "shepherding" doctrines. In our experience, no one has ever used the word "under" in this context and especially, "under proper authority" in the United States without having been taught or having been a teacher or prophet of these types of doctrines, in over two decades.  Finally, the quote, "leaders training leaders in the school of the Spirit," may be a reference to The School of the Spirit of Morningstar that has been running for some time now.

Although what Jones proposes in this prophecy will not lead to any 'reformation' from what is typical to the I.C.'s and traditional settings, Jones seems to have joined the chorus in encouraging Christians to preach Jesus outside of their comfort zones, and thus become the "light of the world" --- outside the walls (Matt. 5:14-16). However, rather than a call to follow the command of the Lord or the Holy Spirit, Jones' vague exhortations to remain "structured appropriately and under the proper authority" are practically code words to return back into bondage "under" abusive or suppressive leadership. In this case we have no worries, because shucksters and control-freaks are not usually interested in street evangelism except as a way to advertise their church. They also usually run dead home meetings, void of the Spirit and offensive to unbelievers and believers alike because of their emphasis on money, status, and oppressive legalism.

Bob Jones and Keith Davis

The Lord is continuing to release prophetic revelation outlining the desires of His heart for the season of the Spirit in which we are living.  Many of these revelations have been for the purpose of preparing to receive His outpouring and others to identify the character and nature of His purposes.  The following article is the result of these experiences helping us to align and position ourselves to flow readily with His Spirit in this generation.  To function most effectively in ministry, we must find the place of His anointing and work together with Him.  One thing He has made clear to us is that great grace and anointing can be obtained by those willing to go "outside the walls" of the church structures, TAKING the gospel of truth and power to the streets and by-ways.  Then the master said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.  (Luke 14:23)


"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.  He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.  And these signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it shall not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."  (Mark 16:15-18)

The Lord is illustrating His desire to raise the "Arks" of the covenant during this end-time generation in order to demonstrate His great power and authority.  The Ark of the Covenant here referenced is not a manmade instrument plated with gold; rather it is individual men and women clothed in a spirit of humility equipped with the Lord's abiding presence.  It is the Lord's desire for the "Arks of the Covenant" to be "arcs"  of light who GO "outside the walls" compelling many to leave the darkness of this world to be joined with His eternal light.  An "arc" is defined as  a sustained luminous (light) discharge of power across a gap in a circuit or between electrodes.  That is what we are to become...  a sustained Light bridging the gap.

Presently, the church has been much too inclined to remain within its four walls being saturated like a sponge with the things of God.  It is our admonition in this hour to leave the four walls of the institutional church and mingle with those most desperately needing the light we possess; becoming a river of living water not merely a sponge.  Currently, we have a  "COME-IN"  mentality and the Lord is wanting us to have a "GO-OUT" perspective once equipped.

The buildings of wood and stone in which we meet are not the literal church, only a gathering place for fellowship and instruction.  The true church (ekklesia-called out ones) is constituted of men and women born by the Spirit of God joined together as one body with the high calling of expressing His radiant glory and power in the earth.  We certainly do not forsake the gathering of saints in the church for that has its purpose. However, our admonition is to alter the mind-set of inviting the lost and needy to come in to the church and instead go out to them in the demonstration of the Spirit and Power.


And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ. (Acts 5:42)

There will be a special grace and anointing on those called to home fellowship groups for the purpose of nurturing and equipping others. When structured appropriately and under proper authority, this intimate and specialized form of ministry is very effective and high on the list of priorities with the Lord so that men and women can become vessels of light themselves.  It will be leaders training leaders in the school of the Spirit.

When thus equipped, these "arcs"  will begin to take the light of the gospel to the dark corners of the earth with a message of salvation and deliverance.


Because you say, "I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing," and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, that you may become rich, and white garments, that you may clothe yourself, and {that} the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see. (Rev 3:17-18)

One of the predominant strongholds of the enemy, even within the church, is the spirit of poverty.  This speaks not only of natural or financial poverty, but also poverty of spirit and soul.  There is also resident within many, especially in this country, a mental or emotional poverty as the result of many hours wasted on worldly entertainment and carnal indoctrination.  This has created a vast void in the intellectual and emotional constitution of an entire generation.

"Poverty and shame will come to him who neglects discipline, but he who regards reproof will be honored." (Prov 13:18)

Without controversy, when the Lord gives advice it would behoove us to follow it.  The advice, given to the Laodicean generation is to buy of Him gold refined by fire, speaking of His nature and character, that we may become rich.  He further advises us to clothe ourselves with His righteous garments and apply the eye salve of His anointing that our focus may be with Spirit eyes.  In this place poverty cannot exist in any form.


There has also been the existence of a spirit of poverty within the racial constitution of the church.  It is deprivation of the worst kind to separate brethren simply on the basis of race, color or creed. This cannot remain in the church if we are to become prosperous spiritually, naturally, and in the soulish realms of our existence.

The end-time "arcs" will begin to achieve heightened levels of intercession and prophetic proclamation calling into being the purposes of the kingdom.  It will be their hearts' cry, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  The authority will be released in this setting to literally call into being that which does not exist, breaking the spirit of poverty.  The unity that is presently lacking will be called into being by the spirit of prophecy, bringing to fruition the Lord's great High Priestly prayer.

"The glory which Thou hast given Me I have given to them; that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them, and Thou in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, that the world may know that Thou didst send Me, and didst love them, even as Thou didst love Me."  (John 17:22-23)

The prosperity and "shalom" of God that is currently missing in the corporate church will be called into being through this prophetic intercessory voice ascending to the very throne of God.


One of the strategies of the enemy is to cause our thoughts and energy to implode on ourselves with an internal focus on our personal needs and desires rather than an outward expression of love and concern for others. This breeds a spirit of self-centeredness in the corporate church that inhibits the flow of the Spirit to those most needing the gospel.  We must overcome this spiritual tendency that promotes an intrinsic focus and begin to direct our energy externally to those around us.

Now is the Time  for the church to stand up and be reckoned as the light of the world and allow His light to shine upon us in the midst of vast darkness.  "Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.  For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you, and His glory will appear upon you.  And nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.  Lift up your eyes round about, and see; they all gather together, they come to you. Your sons will come from afar, and your daughters will be carried in the arms.  Then you will see and be radiant, and your heart will thrill and rejoice; because the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, the wealth of the nations will come to you."  (Isa.  60:1-5)

This will also release the quickening power of God to make alive our mortal bodies and free us from the physical poverty that permeates the church through the spirit of infirmity.  As we overcome the spirit of complacency and become more spiritually and physically active doing the work of the ministry, a quickening will take place freeing us from many of the infirmities plaguing the body of Christ.

Many in the church at the age of 40 are having the physical difficulty and complications of a 70 year old.  If we will employ divine principles, we can experience His quickening power and enjoy at the age of 70 the energy and vitality of a healthy 40 year old.  This also involves communion with the Lord and abstinence from the violation of natural laws.  It is the Lord's desire to release divine health to His people if we will heed His voice in this hour.  But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life (quicken) to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you.
(Rom 8:11)


It is our commission in this hour to become the "living church" outside the four walls of institutional facilities.  We will then begin to convey life in our communities and allow the flow of heavenly resources to touch the vast need of humanity.  We are to be the "arks" which people hasten to for mercy and insight.  We cannot do that without adhering to these divine principles.  It is now time to cease from conversation and begin to do by the Spirit those things we have understood as our calling and commission.  Even as the Lord Himself began "to do and teach."  We should likewise follow this admonition by doing first and then teaching as we do.

Those with the greatest need for salvation and deliverance are not being invited into the church, rather we are being sent out to compel them in.  This includes the entire spectrum from the streets of the inner city to Wall Street.  It is outside the walls that we will find the Lord's good pleasure and the purpose of His heart in this hour.

The "arks" will become places of refuge for those without hope to find comfort, salvation, and deliverance.  We will overcome the spirit of poverty and complacency by feeding those with the greatest need physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  This will break the power of the demonic realm and release the greater provisions of the Spirit in order for us to reach our high calling.

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